We are friends who started a microbrewery in the little town of Deerlijk, just for fun and because we like to have a beer from time to time. After years of brewing and tasting we found a nice little recipe (number 31 out of more than 40 in the meantime)... and since February 2021 you can taste it!
Why the bath tub?
Well, to end up with a great beer, we spoke to some professionals in the business... Experienced brewers with a love for the craft who put us on the right track to further refine and market recipe 31. From them we learned that they sometimes use the term “bathtub brewers” to refer to people like us, the hobby brewers... So, as a tribute to those who helped us get started, but also because we just think it's a cool name, we are: “bathtub brewers”!
And what's the story with the children's farm?
The town of Deerlijk has a petting zoo/farm called "Bokkeslot" which has been close to our heart for a long time. The farm has kids visiting and even spending the night, the children learn about the animals (milk is a cow and not a supermarket product) and they organize lots of nice local events. When we organized parties under the name “Shakesbeer” 25 years ago, part of the benefits went to “the Bokkeslot” and 10 years after that we filled the farm tent with rock band Def Value at our farewell concert. Again now we combine our hobby with charity, our beers are dedicated to the farm and its chief “farmer WILLEM” or translated in Dutch "boer WILLEM".
The children's farm existed exactly 30 years in 2021. This made the story even better. It has also 30 years that farmer Willem is in charge of the organization. Of course, he is assisted by many volunteers who keep everything running smoothly.